Hi I'm Ifiok Ambrose

I build Backend for websites

APIs, etc.

A Backend Developer and Analytical thinker with experience in web design, Python programming and Backend web Development. I built Fullstack Projects using Django's MVT Structure

Connect With Me


Check out some of my personal projects, I decided to keep just the GitHub Repo link for now, because My Database tokens expired for my APIs and Fullstack projects

Awesome Blog-Publish from Admin Panel

Tailwind CSS, Django, TinyMCE

Advanced Authentication

Django, Django-All-Auth

Chat App


Realtime Chat API

HTML, Django/Django-Rest-Framework, JWT, Websockets


HTML, CSS, JS, Django


Django, Django-Rest-Framework

Bookings RESTFul API for kobowork

Django, Django-Rest-Framework, JWT

Courses RESTFul API for kobowork.com

Django, Django-Rest-Framework, JWT

Ecommerce site for Ladies Channel 2.0, not yet hosted

Django, Django-Rest-Framework

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